Top Middle Schools in Fresno, CA 93711

 In 2021, five high schools received the recognition of being among the top middle schools in Fresno County. The school districts that have the recognition are Alta Middle School District, Brushy Creek Middle School District, Escondido Middle School District, Merced High School District and Northside Middle School District. The names of the schools were selected based on the performance of the educators within each district. Among the top middle schools in Fresno is Science in the Academy High School, St. John's College Preparatory, Fulton High School, McKinley High School and Spring Valley Middle School.

Science at the Academy High School, in the City of Fresno has been recognized for the continuous improvement of science classes for students. Teachers at this school continuously strive to teach interesting and complicated concepts in a way that is easy to comprehend and retains the interest and attention of their students. They continually seek new ways to present and discuss scientific topics. The students in this particular class count about 150 out of 500 students who take these classes. This is considered as one of the top middle schools in Fresno.

Science at the Academy High School is home to some outstanding young students. There are many talented and promising students who are majoring in science. The teachers at this school aim to ensure that all of their students graduate and get into reputable universities or colleges. All students get a chance to gain knowledge and experience in hands-on laboratory work. The teachers also take extra time to go over the course outline in detail for each of their students. The teaching style of the teachers at the Science Middle School is very nurturing and effective.

Brushy Creek Middle School, located in the City of Riverside, CA, has won numerous awards from various community groups and organizations including the Best Middle School in Riverside County. The school has an extremely high retention rate for students, particularly gifted students. The students in this school also have great attendance rates. All grades and scores are well represented by the student body.

Cypress Lake Middle School is ranked in the Top 5 of the California's National Education Department Schools Report. The students at this school enjoy a high interest in the subject matter and are eager to learn. The faculty members are all very active in their community and truly dedicated to helping their students. Students also say that they enjoy the social aspect of the class and really get to socialize with other students. Students also say that their teachers are very encouraging and very knowledgeable about the courses and their subjects. The students of this school do say that they get a good deal of computer time in this environment.

Cypress Lakes Middle School is also located in the City of Cypress in California. The students here appear to enjoy the sports, music, and artwork. Music and drama are major components of the students lives here at this particular school. The physical education and health care courses are also well represented among the students in this school. These are only a handful of the many top middle schools in the country where you will find your children excelling in school today!

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